Middag with Atle

Members are very thoughtful, loving and kind and are always inviting the missionaries over for Middag (Dinner). 
View of small town of Mosby from Atle's home.  It was really beautiful with the lights shining from the homes (sorry this picture doesn't do it justtice).

busy preparing food for dinner (Middag).  Atle is one of our Young Single Adults.  He purchased a home a little while ago and has been busy remodeling it - he is a carpenter by trade. 
Mom loved his sign in the entry way.

Time for Dinner.  Atle prepared an amazing and delicious Mexican meal for us & the younger missionaries.  l-r: Sister Cook, Sister Earl, Sister Petersen, Elder Martineau, Elder Welch, Atle

the day after our visit it snowed - it took him 2 & 1/2 hours to shovel himself out - Mosby is only a 20 minute drive from Kristiansand downtown but all we got was rain.

The snow had a lot of moisture in it and downed power lines so the members that live just north of town were without electricity and cell phone service for a day or two.

Sister Peterson & Sister Earl


some pictures of his "batchelor pad"


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