
Showing posts from August, 2017

Liv I Norge

                      Hei Hei Hilsen fra Norge   We arrived in Norway on August 18 (our anniversary - 44 years). After a day in Oslo we took the train to Kristiansand, the city we have been asked to serve in.   It's a beautiful coastal town on the north sea.   We have been here a little over a week, just long enough to feel lost.   After 2 days with the senior missionary couple who were serving here the last 18 months we are on our own.  Thank heavens for GPS.      We have a beautiful view of the boats and water from our apartment and it is close to downtown where the young single adult center is located.  The city is located in southern Norway and the old part of town features the traditional wooden houses.   We had the opportunity to also hike the forest (Barnheia & Ravnedalen) above the town to get some exercise on our p-day.   Found some beautiful scenery and a nice overlook of the city.  We missed the gay rights parade in town that day by being up in the

Kristiansand city & wharf

 Pictures from downtown/wharf children's park where we played volleyball with YSA Older part of town Town plaza down by the wharf. town hall square

Barnheia & Ravnedalen

 Overlooking the town of Kristiansand from Barnheia Views while hiking to Barnheia &  Ravnedalen Ravnedalen - park & concert hall Kristiansand from top of Barnheia We took about a 2 hour hike above Kristiansand to get these photos.

Kristiansand Young Single Adult Center

 Young Adult Center in Kristiansand.  It is open from 2-9 pm. every day of the week M-F. This is where we spend the majority of our days.  The Young Single Adults gather here as they have time, to socialize with one another.  We hold a weekly Family Home Evening on Mondays and Institute classes on Friday nights here.  Of course both are accompanied by lots of good food.

Apartment Life

adjusting to apartment life again Views from our apartment living room window!   [I guess somebody has to live here] I think they are spoiling us with our apartment. They must want us to stay in Norway for a while.  Nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath, living room, kitchen & sun room [great place for early morning scripture reading & companion study].

Train [Toget] To Kristiansand

Catching the train from Oslo to Kristiansand Some of the beautiful countryside we viewed from the train on our ride to Kristiansand.   Started out sunny but changed to rain later on the ride so pictures didn't turn out as well but it at least gives you an idea of what we are experiencing.   Typical train stations in the small communities we went through in the Telemark region of Norway.  This is slightly north of where I served for 9 months in my first area as a younger missionary in Skien.

We've Arrived! Hilsen Fra Norge

After 15 hours on flights, we have arrived!   Greeted by the Mission President & his wife.   Hilsen Fra Norge!  What a great way to spend our 44th Anniversary. Mission President and myself as companions 45 years ago and recreated again as we serve in Norway.  We haven't changed, as good looking as ever!


 absolutely loved our week at the MTC - Very special spirit there and it was wonderful to be taught the principles of Preach My Gospel by some wonderful young returned missionaries.  Loved their enthusiasm for the Gospel.   We were able to visit with the Young Missionaries that will be coming to Norway the end of August while we were there.  They are a great group of young people and will bless the lives of those they work with in Norway. Met & got to know the sweetest couple from Idaho - Elder & Sister Ward - they were called to serve in Fiji - they will be working with Self Reliance program Elder & Sister Gardner are the parents of one of our daughters [Kirsti] best friends.   Our kids are spending the week together in Hawaii [so much for our mission funds 😊. ] They will be serving in . Cincinnati with President Welch our former Stake President. This is our district at the MTC.  Wonderful couples with great testimonies of the Gospel.  We learned

Sunday with Family

It was nice to have family support when we spoke in church prior to our departure.  It was wonderful to share the weekend with family and friends at church services and on Saturday with our Open House.  We loved being in the temple with family this weekend for a family sealing.  We love you all and will miss the opportunity to see you regularly but will try to keep you informed of our experiences via this blog.   Our love and our prayers will be with each of you.   We are so grateful for your love and support.  Because of your examples and testimonies, we feel the need to share the Gospel with others that they too can experience the joy we feel from these associations.  We are grateful to a loving Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, that through his atonement we can be a Forever Family.