Zone Conference

Our Last Zone Conference...Flight from Tromsø to Oslo shows the sharp contrast of the land and climate between Northern & Southern Norway in June Oslo zone and half of the west zone. Mission conference with Elder DeFeo. Lunch is always a favorite time for the missionaries at Zone conference Sister Wheelwright and us. Sister Evans (Jennifer Barratt's niece) and her companion. Elder Holyoak. Elder Parrish. Sister Zenger and Sister Neal. Sister Zenger & Sister Wheelwright Sister Bair, Wheelwright and Elder Cribbs and Sobotka. shoulder massage anyone? Lunch is always a good time. Dad serving...what he does best Sister Morris. Pres. Tew enjoying the missionaries. Sister Tew enjoying these missionaries. The Naylors and friends. Elder Sargent with Sisters Stavanger District Elder Baird. Sister Ford. Elders Moll,...